Welcome to Year 1


Summer Term in Year 1 

Our theme this term is Curiosity 

The inspirational texts on our summer bookshelf will inspire our learning across the curriculum.  

We will look at the world through the inquisitive eyes of Ada Twist who loved to detect and solve problems.  

We will consider Beegu’s first impression of planet earth and explore the similarities and differences of life in outer space and planet earth using the book Man on the Moon.  

In Science we will use our curiosity to investigate how seeds and bulbs grow.  

We will enter the abstract world of Jackson Pollock and create our own abstract art piece. 

We will delve into the enchanted world of fairytales through ‘Little Red Reading Hood’, a twist on the traditional tale loved by many.  

We will ponder questions inspired by ‘Just Because’, such as Why is the ocean blue? What is rain? 

 In History the children will be learning about female monarchs and answering the end point question: what can we learn about female monarchs from what has been left behind? 


Summer Term Highlights!  

This term we will be having an Eid celebration, a colour run, trip to a garden centre and summer fair.  

The Y1 Team 

Miss Clarke – Class Teacher  

Miss Barlow – Class Teacher  

Miss Belshaw – Learning Support Assistant  


Important information  

Please make sure your child’s book bag containing their reading books and reading record is brought into school every day  

Forest school is every Tuesday. Children will require waterproof clothing and shoes 

Reading books will be changed weekly  

Please continue to sign your child’s reading record book daily    

Home Learning will include daily reading, weekly spellings, maths and English    

PE kits will be kept in school and returned at the end of each half term  

Teachers will be available every day before and after school to receive messages, celebrate successes and answer any questions