Welcome to Reception

Spring Term in Reception
The inspirational texts on our bookshelf will inspire our learning across the curriculum.
The Reception year is a very special part of your child’s school journey. We strive to provide a unique, challenging and inspirational curriculum based on new and memorable experiences. Establishing strong relationships with our pupils and their families is our priority at the beginning of the school year. Throughout the year, we will work with your child to learn and understand their individual needs and support them in their learning and development.
During the Spring term in Reception, we will read a variety of inspirational and carefully selected texts that explore the character traits of kindness, citizenship, integrity, curiosity, bravery and gratitude.
We will begin by meeting Alice Hemming’s ‘The Snow Thief’, as Squirrel explores the trait of curiosity with Bird showing citizenship to help Squirrel find out who the snow thief is!
We then move onto ‘Foggy Foggy Forest’ by Nick Sharratt, enhancing our love for fairytales and rhyme with a superb book that has a multitude of characters sparking curiosity in our children.
Janet and Allan Ahlberg’s ‘The Jolly Postman’ is a wonderful classic, exhibiting kindness and gratitude throughout.
‘The Three Little Pigs’ demonstrates bravery and resilience in a lovely picture book, where the pigs express citizenship in the face of danger.
In ‘Dogs don’t do Ballet’, we meet Biff, a little puppy who will stop at nothing to become a ballet dancer, which demonstrates bravery and gratitude.
We finish with David Conway’s ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’, where Lila shows true integrity and gratitude to help the village overcome a near disaster.
In Maths we will expand our work on subitising and composition of numbers within 10, including doubles, odds and evens. We will also focus on number bonds to 5 and then 10. We will also explore the concepts of shape, space and measure by looking at mass, capacity, length, height and time. Literacy will focus on new digraphs, moving on to trigraphs, developing our reading strategies and continuing to build on the format and structure of a sentence.
In Understanding the World we will celebrate Lunar New Year with a class trip in late January, learn about Holi, Easter, immerse ourself in World Book Day, understand how to stay safe on the Internet and take part in Science week. We will also look at the work of Gustav Klimt in Art and create our own masterpieces. It’s going to be a busy and thoroughly enjoyable term! Our PSHE curriculum will focus on teamwork, overcoming obstacles, seeking help and then moving onto how we can keep healthy.
It is going to be a busy and thoroughly enjoyable term!
Spring Term Highlights
- Tapestry and Instagram updates
- Educational visits throughout the year, including one off site visit per term
- Year group assembly performance
- Author visits (virtual and in person)
- Science investigations
- Singing circles and in-class musical performances
- Opportunities to learn outside of the classroom
The Reception Team
Mrs Cheshire – Class Teacher
Mr Ross – Class Teacher
Mrs Smith – Learning Support Assistant
Miss Wood – Learning Support Assistant
Important Information
- Please make sure your child’s book bag containing their reading books and Reading Record is brought into school every day.
- 1 x phonetically decodable reading book will be sent home on a Friday alongside a recommended reading book for Reception aged children. The children will be sent the new sound(s) they have learnt that week alongside any new red words.
- Please comment in your child’s Reading Record when you have read with your child.
- Your child’s reading books and Reading Record should be brought into school each day.
- Your child will take part in Shared Reading with an adult, across the week.
- Children are provided with a fruit or vegetable snack each day as well as milk (this is currently provided for pupils by the Government until they are 5 years old).
- Children in Reception are eligible for Universal Infant Free School Meals entitlement. You are of course welcome to send your child in with a packed lunch (please remember nothing in these should include nuts).
- Children should have their water bottle in school every day. They will have access to this throughout the school day.
- PE Kits should be in school every day. They will be sent home at the end of each half term to be washed and then returned on the first day of the following half term.
- Reception children will enter school through their own classroom door from the playground. Please support a successful start to their day by being on time. Whilst we appreciate it can be tricky to say goodbye on some mornings, it can be helpful to keep this brief and for children to enter school independently from the moment they start.
- The children will be dismissed from their door onto the school playground, directly to their parent/carer. If the person collecting at the end of the day is different to usual, please inform the school’s admin team before pick-up so that Class Teachers are aware and know who to look out for.
- Your Child’s class teacher will be available every day before and after school to receive messages, celebrate successes and answer any questions.
As always, there will be lots of learning and exciting activities going on in Reception this term!
Instagram and Tapestry
Please speak to our admin team for access to the Reception Instagram feed @chps_reception
You will receive personalised activation information from Tapestry to your registered email.