Welcome to Pre-School

Autumn Term in Pre-School

The inspirational texts on our bookshelf will inspire our learning across the curriculum. 

In the Autumn term in Pre-School, we will explore the character traits of kindness, citizenship, integrity, curiosity, bravery, and gratitude. We will learn about one another and celebrate our individuality by developing our own sense of self, as well as exploring our likes and dislikes and our families – all whilst learning about and celebrating our similarities and differences.

Lulu’s First Day, written by Ana McQuinn, is a delightful story that explores the feelings and experiences of a child starting Pre-School.

Maryam Al Serkal’s is the author of Mira’s Curly hair which explores the courage it takes to be yourself.

Along came a Different by Tom McLaughlin highlights belonging, uniqueness and celebrates individual differences.

Pip and Posy, The New Friend by Axel Sheffler explores gratitude and kindness.

Smriti Halls and Aki Pye in their inclusive interactive picture book ‘Who are you?’ helps us to express our individuality and think about our families.

Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell ignites our curiosity through the classic story.

Grrrr written and illustrated by Rob Biddulph is a story that helps us to think about the meaning of integrity and friendship.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We will be working collaboratively, taking responsibility for our actions, understanding emotions, and solving conflicts.

Physical Development

We will be developing our gross and fine motor skills, working on core strength and co-ordination.

Communication and Language

We will be focusing our attention, initiating conversations, building vocabulary, and expressing opinions.


We will enjoy reading books and listening to stories. We will begin to learn about sound and rhythm.


We begin to learn about perceptual subitising. We will use concrete resources to notice and compare quantities. We will use stories, songs, and nursery rhymes to connect quantities to number names. We will investigate shapes and space.

Understanding the World

We will celebrate our individuality, our family, and people in our community.

Expressive Arts and Design

We will explore materials, textures, and tools, understanding different experiences. We will continue to develop our imagination and storytelling.


Autumn Term Highlights

Tapestry and Instagram updates

Nativity performance

Opportunities to learn outside of the classroom


The Pre-School Team

Mrs Jones- Class Teacher

Mrs Bloomfield- Learning Support Assistant

Miss McKenna- Learning Support Assistant

Miss Mosca- Learning Support Assistant

Miss Akram- Learning Support Assistant


Important information:

  • Pre-School use Tapestry, an online journal, to share your child’s learning and Pre-School specific information. We also love to see photographs and videos from home to talk about and celebrate in Pre-School.
  • Please ensure your child wears footwear suitable for outdoor play and sports.
  • Wellington boots and waterproof coats will be required for outdoor learning in case of rainy weather.
  • Important information will be shared through MCAS and our weekly school newsletter.
  • Your child will receive a library book to enjoy reading at home, please return weekly to change their book on their allocated day. We would encourage you to read to your child every day to develop their love for reading.
  • Pre-School children will enter school through their own classroom door. Please support a successful start to their day by being on time. Whilst we appreciate it can be tricky to say goodbye on some mornings, it can be helpful to keep this brief and for children to enter school independently from the moment they start.
  • The children will be dismissed from their door, directly to their parent/carer. If the person collecting at the end of the day is different to usual, please inform the school’s admin team before pick-up so that Class Teachers are aware and know who to look out for.
  • Mrs Jones and the Pre-School Team will be available every day before and after school to answer any questions, receive messages and celebrate successes.


As always, there will be lots of learning and exciting activities going on in Pre-School this term. Please speak to our admin team for access to the Pre-School Instagram feed @chps_preschool

You will receive personalised activation information from Tapestry to your registered email.