Welcome to Pre-School



Summer Term in Pre-School

Our theme this term is Courage 

 The inspirational texts on our Summer bookshelf will inspire our learning across the curriculum.

We will develop our understanding of the books and learn about ways we can show courage and be brave in a world we know now and a world yet to be discovered.   

‘Tad’ is a big story about a tiny tadpole – about growing up, branching out, and taking a leap into life. 

‘Jabari Tries’ helps us understand that it is ok to be scared of doing something you’ve never done before.  

Learning about the inspirational life of ‘Maya Angelou’ who showed courage to express her views and opinions.   

‘All Are Welcome’ is a bright and uplifting celebration of cultural diversity and belonging, where all children are welcome in the classroom 

‘Pink is for boys’ invites and encourages girls and boys to enjoy what they love to do. 

‘Lost in the City’ is a charming and heartfelt tale of adventure about finding your self-confidence.  


Personal, Social and Emotional Development 

We will be working collaboratively, taking responsibility for our actions, understanding emotions and solving conflicts. 

Physical Development 

We will be developing our fine motor skills and working on core strength and co-ordination.  

Communication and Language 

We will be focusing our attention, initiating conversations, building vocabulary and expressing opinions.  


We will understand stories and early reading, the concepts of print, and phonological awareness of Grapheme Phoneme correspondence.   


We will continue to learn about conceptual and perceptual subitising.  We will look at real life problem solving, comparing groups of objects, exploring 2D and some 3D shapes and comparing measures. 

Understanding the World 

We will continue to look at events in our lives and compare our own community to different countries and cultures. We will use our knowledge to answer the endpoint question: How have I changed since I was a baby? 

Expressive Arts and Design 

We will explore materials, textures and tools, understanding different experiences. We will continue to develop our imagination and storytelling.  


Pre-School Term Highlights

We will be celebrating Eid upon our return and look forward to learning more about different cultures.  

We look forward to enhancing our learning in the classroom with a visit from Waterhouse’s, our local Independent Greengrocers to help us learn about the importance of healthy eating.  We will visit Reddish Vale Farm to teach  

We look forward to more outdoor learning as the days get warmer. 

The Pre-School Team 

Mrs Jones- Class Teacher 

Mrs Bloomfield- Learning Support Assistant 

Miss Wood- Learning Support Assistant 

Miss Mosca- Learning Support Assistant 

Miss Akram- Learning Support Assistant 

Important information  

  • Please ensure your child wears footwear suitable for outdoor play and sports. 
  • Wellington boots and waterproof coats will be required for outdoor learning in case of rainy weather. 
  • Important information will be shared through MCAS and our weekly school newsletter.  
  • We would encourage you to read to your child every day to develop their love for reading. 
  • Mrs Jones and the Pre-School Team will be available every day before and after school to answer any questions, receive messages and celebrate successes.